Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is it legal to sell a ticket on eBay that you won on a Radio Station?

I won tickets to a concert from the radio station. I picked the tickets up but now I can not go to the concert. I noticed on eBay that there are tickets to the concert for sale from individuals. Is it legal for me to sell the tickets that I won?

Is it legal to sell a ticket on eBay that you won on a Radio Station?pro basketball

Of course it's legal! Once you won the tickets they became yours and you can do what you please with them. :)

Is it legal to sell a ticket on eBay that you won on a Radio Station?nba history ,nba teams

Unless the ticket bars you from doing it.

Generally you can sell it.
Why not? It's yours, you can do with it whatever you want to. Or is it written somewhere it's not transferable?

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